World Toilet Day
The 19.11.18 is World Toilet Day. Here are some facts about this important day.
- This day is the official United Nations observance day to educate and inspire people about how to tackle the global sanitation crisis.
- Around 4.5 billion people currently live without safety managed sanitation, this creates diseases and contaminated water and soil that sustain human life.
- Globally, 80% of waste water generated by society flows back into the eco system without being treated or re used.

Toilets are not a luxury

Official Day 19.11.18
As a toilet company, Griffin Toilet Hire has an obvious connection to the cause and we have joined up with toilet twinning to twin our staff toilets with toilets from other countries who have little or no sanitation.

Important facts
The 19.11.18 day to take action. It is a day to raise awareness about all people who do not have access to a toilet – despite the human right to water and sanitation.
The UN Water collaboration determines, sanitation as a global development priority. This is why the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 designated 19 November as the official day.
This day had previously been marked by international and civil society organisations all over the world but was not formally recognised until 2013.
Theme for 2018
The theme for 2018 is ‘When Nature Calls’ and is focusing on the best way to treat and reuse waste water as well as offering sanitation opportunities and education.
By 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals aim to reach everyone with sanitation, and halve the proportion of untreated wastewater and increase recycling and safe reuse.
For that to be achieved, we need everyone’s waste to be contained, transported, treated and disposed of in a safe and sustainable way. Currently billions of people around the world have not sanitation systems or ineffective systems in place.
Human waste spreads killer diseases, meaning progress in health and some child survival is seriously at risk.